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Modern Slavery Act Statement


We understand that slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking (Modern Slavery) is a worldwide and growing issue. Like every other sector, the waste management and recycling sector is not except from this type of crime.

This statement is issued by SafeEnviro in compliance with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. SafeEnviro is established under the laws of England and Wales as a Waste Management and Resource Recovery service provider.

Our policy explains SafeEnviro's approach to Modern Slavery and clarifies we are against slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chain. We are therefore committed to ensuring that we have adequate procedures in place to identify and prevent these practices.

Policy And Purpose

This Statement covers the following companies within SafeEnviro Ltd:

  • • SkipZilla
  • • SafeEnviro & LAWMA Academy
  • • Report Waste

SafeEnviro put in place the following policies and procedures that set out its approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its operations:

  • • Annual review of Modern Slavery Policy
  • • Assessed potential risk areas in our supply chains via a supplier approval process.
  • • SafeEnviro encourages openness and will support anyone who raises concerns under this policy
  • • Suppliers are required to confirm that they provide safe working conditions where necessary, treat workers with dignity and respect, and act ethically and within the law in their use of labor.
  • • Mitigated the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains, including conducting reviews, where necessary, of the controls our suppliers have in place and carrying out other suitable checks.
  • • We have internal whistleblowing procedures to ensure there are clear and independent reporting lines available to report any concerns.

Employees & Training

Our recruitment processes are thorough and transparent, we have robust procedures in place to vet new employees, including background checks. Identity is checked for every employee; more extensive background checks are conducted when required. These processes are capable of capturing the existence of any forced labor or human trafficking.

To ensure a suitable level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery, and human trafficking, in our business, and our supply chains, relevant directors and employees participated in appropriate training workshops. In 2024 we plan to introduce an online Learning Management System where training will be conducted online/remote.


We will review this statement on an annual basis, reviewing annual key performance indicators, i.e., training & no. of issues reported, to measure compliance.

Responsibility for ensuring that our procedures are adequate and are adhered to in all of our activitys rests with the Managing Directors of each business within SafeEnviro Ltd.